My excitement about the web started when I was about 10 years old. My parents replaced our family computer with a new one so that old family computer got moved into my room. I spent countless hours playing games on the Cartoon Network website and taking care of my NeoPets....

2015 was a lot of things for me. It marked a year of being a college graduate and all of the fun that comes with being a "real adult". I picked up what I thought would be a casual hobby (programming) and really fell in love with it and how...

Learning to code is a mixed bag of emotions. Some days you feel like a total wizard, capable of anything even when you're solving the smallest of problems. Other days you feel inadequate. Not smart enough, not creative enough, not good enough.

Like many others, I consider myself a self-taught programmer. This can definitely be a challenging path to go down, but there are also a lot of benefits to learning on your own. One reason that I've loved learning to code on my own versus going back to school for it...